Joint Pain Treatment in Ayurveda – Understanding the Basics
Ayurvedic Joint pain treatment is 100% , which uses specialised therapies that act by Healing inflammation, Reducing pain and swelling, and Improving the mobility of joints. The primary objective of Joint pain treatment in Ayurveda is to Reduce pain and Restore normal activities.
What Is the Theory Behind Ayurvedic Joint Pain Treatment?
As per the Ayurvedic theories, Joint pain is a result of excess Amavata. Vitiate Doshas and Amavata are caused due to unhealthy food habits. This excess of Amavata in the body causes stiffness of joints in the morning.
These problems can be eliminated by various . Ayurveda boosts the functioning of the liver to increase the metabolic rate of the body. This leads to the improved Detoxification process whereby all the toxins are flushed out of the body. Ayurvedic massage therapies also improve blood circulation and consequently reduce the inflammation symptoms such as Pain and Swelling.

Ayurveda suggests the use of special massage therapies using herbal oils or application of herbal paste for joint protection. The herbs used in therapies possess pain reducing and anti-inflammatory properties.
At NuAyurveda we offer the best Ayurveda Joint pain treatment in India with these therapies-
- Abhyangam: Abhyangam is a full body (Head to Toe) Ayurvedic massage, which is done by two therapists in a synchronised manner with medicated herbal oils. Abhyangam is done for 45-50 minutes in seven different positions by applying pressure and strokes, the intensity of which depends upon the condition of the individual. Abhyangam rejuvenates the body and promotes general well-being. It relieves Pains and Aches in the joints by lubricating the same. Moreover, it channelises nerve endings and improves the blood circulation. You can experience your Joint pain alleviating within just a few days of this therapy.
- Kizhi: Kizhi uses powders, herbs, rice, and sand tied in a muslin cloth to make small satchels. These powders, herbs, rice or sand sacks are then heated and lightly pounded over the body or specific parts of the body as needed. Kizhi is further classified, on the basis of the substance used, into PodiKizhi; which uses dry powdered herbs, ElaKizhithat; uses raw herbs, NavaraKizhi; uses Navara Rice, and ManalKizhi; uses sand particles.
This therapy provides dry heat for the aggravated Vata and Vata kapha The heat generated in Kizhi helps to pacify the aggravated Vata, thus relieving the associated pain immediately. Kizhi is an effective Ayurvedic method for the treatment of Joint pains, Muscular cramps, Spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, and Lower Back Pain. - Greeva Basti:Greeva Basti Ayurvedic therapy targets the neck region and alleviates the Pain and Stiffness in the neck and its surrounding joints and tissues. In this treatment, medicated oils are pooled over the neck in a compartment made of wet flour of black gram. Thus, the cervical region remains exposed to the oil for around 30 minutes. Afterwards, the dough is removed, and the patient is given a gentle massage and allowed to rest.
Greeva Basti does Sudation and Oleation simultaneously to lubricate the neck and shoulder joints. It also boosts the blood circulation to get rid of the inflammation symptoms and thus relieves pain. This therapy improves the flexibility and allows for better movement of joints. Greeva Basti works effectively in the treatment of Upper back pain, Cervical spondylosis, and Muscular strain.
- Janu Basti: Janu Basti aims to improve the knee function. In this therapy, specialised herbal oil is pooled over the knee in a mold made up of black gram paste or whole wheat flour for about 30-40 minutes. Afterwards, the dough is removed followed by a gentle massage, and then the person is made to rest for a while.
Janu Basti adds the flexibility to the stiff and painful knee joints to relieve them of the pain. Moreover, it boosts the blood circulation around the knee region, which helps to reduce the Swelling and Knee Janu Basti is an effective Ayurvedic therapy for the patients suffering from Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic pain of knee-joints.
- Sneha Basti: Sneha Basti is a part of Panchakarma Detoxification ther It detoxifies your body by flushing out the toxins present in your lower body. In this therapy, medical oil or ghee enema is administered through the anal route.
Sneha Basti is effective in reducing the Chronic musculoskeletal pain such as Shoulder pain, Lower back pain, and Neck pain caused due to Rheumatism and Gout. It also eliminates the problems of Constipation and Flatulence.
- Kashaya Basti: Kashaya Basti is a treatment wherein enema using the medicated decoction is administered through the rectum. This causes the removal of gas, which is responsible for pain, and Detoxification of the body.
Kashaya Basti reduces the lower Back Pain and treats the conditions such as Rheumatism and G It is also effective in Gastric problems and Neurological ailments such as Paralysis.
What Causes Chronic Pain in Joints?
Joint pain is commonly caused due to tearing of cartilage disc present between two joints. This tearing causes two bones to rub onto one another resulting in chronic pain. Chronic Joint Pain is more prevalent in aging people. However, excessive use of joints or some injuries may also result in Joint pain. Some conditions such as Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout, etc. may also cause chronic pain in joints.
Suffering from Chronic Joint Pain? Let us help you!
What Are The Common Signs and Symptoms Associated With Joint Pain?
- Redness
- Swelling
- Oedema
- Difficulty moving the joint
- Stiffness
- Pricking pain
Let our experts cure your Joint pain naturally!
Understanding The Basics
Ayurvedic Joint pain treatment uses special therapies that act by healing inflammation, reducing pain and swelling, and improving the mobility of joints. The primary objective of Joint Pain treatment in Ayurveda is to reduce pain and restore normal activities.
What Causes Chronic Pain In Joints?
Joint pain is commonly caused due to tearing of cartilage disc present between two joints. This tearing causes two bones to rub onto one another resulting in chronic pain. Chronic Joint Pain is more prevalent in ageing people. However, excessive use of joints, or some injuries may also result in Joint Pain. Some conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, etc. may also cause chronic pain in joints.
Suffering from Chronic Joint Pain? Let us help you!
What Are The Common Signs and Symptoms Associated With Joint Pain?
- Redness
- Swelling
- Oedema
- Difficulty moving the joint
- Stiffness
- Pricking pain
What Is The Theory Behind Ayurvedic Joint Pain Treatment?
As per the Ayurvedic theories Joint Pain is a result of excess Amavata. Vitiate Doshas and amavata is caused due to unhealthy food habits. Early morning stiffness is joint is a very peculiar symptom caused by excess Amavata in the body. Ayurvedic treatments are therefore aimed at correcting the metabolism and reducing Amavata accumulation in the body.
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The cost for Panchakarma Treatment varies for each person as the treatment needs to be customized as per health needs. The therapy duration and cost for Panchakarma can be obtained during your consultation.
Which Ayurvedic Therapies Are Offered For Joint Protection & Pain Management?
A full body massage (Head to Toe) done with medicated herbal oils. It relieves pains and aches in the joints by lubricating the same, improves blood circulation and channelizes nerve ending.
Kizhi uses powders, herbs, rice, sand tied in a muslin cloth to make small satchels. These powders, herbs, rice or sand sacks are then heated and lightly pounded over the body or specific parts of the body as needed. This massage provides dry heat for aggravated Vata and vata kapha conditions. The heat generated in Kizhi helps to pacify the aggravated vata thus relieving the associated pain immediately.
Greeva Basti
In Greeva Basti specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the neck and retained inside a well, created with black gram paste or whole wheat flour. It is used in the treatment of neck and upper back conditions like cervical spondylosis, stiff neck and pain due to muscular strain.
Janu Basti
In Janu Basti specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the knee and retained inside a well created using black gram paste or whole wheat flour. It is used in the treatment of osteoArthritis of knee joints, osteoporosis, and Arthritis of knee joints and chronic pain of the knee joints.
Sneha Vasti
Sneha Basti involves enema using medicated oil. It is used to treat lower backache, gout and rheumatism.
Kashaya Vasti
Kashaya Basti involves enema using medicated decoction. It is used to treat lower backache, gout and rheumatism.
Let our experts cure your Joint pain naturally!
NuAyurveda Clinics in Mumbai
Kandivali (East)
Aangan Row House #4, Opp.Thakur College, Thakur Village, Kandivali(E), Mumbai – 400101 (Tuesday closed)
Kandivali (West)
105, Kanyakumari Building, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Next to Vaishali Bhavan Bus Stop, Kandivali (W), Mumbai 400067
Andheri (West)
1st floor, Kohli Villa-130, SV Road, Near Shoppers Stop, opp. to Raymond (Andheri West), Mumbai 400058 (Tuesday closed)
C-102, Jolly Apartments Plot No 40/1-22, New Borla Village, Opp Maitri Park, N.B. Patil Marg, Chembur, Mumbai 400071. (Tuesday closed)