
Ayurvedic ubtan is a mixture of different herbal powders that have beneficial effects on skin. The herbal powder can be mixed with yogurt, herbal extract or other natural potions to get a creamy paste that is applied all over body. Ubtan works as an Ayurvedic Body Polish and Body Wrap which is mainly intended for exfoliation and rejuvenation of skin. Some Ubtans are also made from herbs that have antibacterial or antifungal properties.

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What to expect

Ubtan involves a full body Abhyangam massage followed by herbal paste application all over the body.

Benefits of Ubtan

Ayurvedic Ubtan therapy improves lustre of the skin by improving its health. It also has antifungal, antibacterial, antiperspirant, deodorant & skin-toning properties.

How it works

It maintains PH balance of the skin and opens up blocked pores.

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of

Psoriasis or skin infection.

Ubtan is used for Ayurvedic Skin Care Treatment at NuAyurveda Clinic.

UbtanDecember 26, 2017